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« Back Post Date: Thursday, April 1, 2021
Commodore's Comments - April 2021
It seems fitting that on the one-year anniversary of the COVID pandemic we held the first SYC membership meeting in a year. It was nice to get together and conduct time-sensitive important business.

It seems fitting that on the one-year anniversary of the COVID pandemic we held the first SYC membership meeting in a year. It was nice to get together  and  conduct  time-sensitive  important  business. Thank  you  to  everyone  for  your  patience  as  we worked through the technical details of conducting another  first:  a  combined  in-person  and  Zoom membership meeting.  The  membership  responded by maxing out the in-person guideline of 25 people and 27 computers representing 34 people via Zoom. We will likely try this again for the April meeting.

Thank you to the Bylaw committee of Chair Eric Zufelt, Mike Larson, and John Travis. Given the situation, they diligently came up with the precise wording of the bylaw that allowed us to con-duct a hybrid meeting of in person and Zoom attendees while adhering to county meeting guidelines. This also allowed us to reach a quorum and vote on two motions that had a critical timing element to them. Passing the motions allowed deck materials to get ordered and avoid future price increases. The contract with Michels Corp was also signed so they can schedule us in for spring work.

The repair and realignment of intermediate dock pilings is long overdue. They have not received attention for well over 15 years. Two of the pilings have been lifted by freezing ice so high they are in danger of falling over. Several other pilings have been lifted and pushed sideways out of position. Tying up using intermediate pil-ings helps distribute the load on dock lines and piers during periods of severe wind storms. Contracting with Michels while they are in town rebuilding the south pier saves us the cost of transporting and mobilizing the equipment which would double the project’s price.

Many thanks to Dave Bronson for donating his time and expertise to replace the outdoor deck. The entire project should provide many volunteer opportunities providing you are not accident prone. Removal of the old deck, cleanup after the tree comes down, and rebuilding the deck will be labor intensive. Construction products have seen intermittent supply shortages as well as ridiculous price increases. We were anxious to get materials on order and save time and money.

SYC members have responded competitively to the matching challenge grant for the deck project. With an anonymous donor pledging  $16,000  and  offering  to  double  any  donations  up  to $8,000, nearly $6,000 has already been donated to that goal. What a tremendous response! In addition, a second anonymous donor has pledged a large donation of non-matching funds. This project has definitely been very popular with the membership. Thank you to everyone for your immediate and generous response.

Be safe and stay healthy, and please help “Raise the Deck”. ~Commodore Tom