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Comodore's Comments - June 2021
Total monetary contributions towards the deck reconstruction total $ 36,766 as of this writing in mid May. This exceeds our original construction budget of $25,000 for the project. In addition, an offer to donate outdoor lighting has been made, and an offer to provide the outdoor speaker system has been made. Combined with the significant donation of volunteer labor and in kind services, this all leads to the conclusion that the club has a very generous membership.


Total monetary contributions towards the deck reconstruction total $ 36,766 as of this writing in mid May. This exceeds our original construction budget of $25,000 for the project.  In addition, an offer to donate outdoor lighting has been made, and an offer to provide the outdoor speaker system has been made. Combined with the significant donation of volunteer labor and in kind services, this all leads to the conclusion that the club has a very generous membership.

From the beginning of the deck project it was promised that donations in excess of cost would go towards deck improvements. The single largest and most expensive improvement will be furniture. There is a wide range of options and price points regarding the furniture decision.  I am calling for volunteers to make up an ad hoc committee to help guide the club to the best decision possible. This group has had one organizing meeting so far, which means it is not too late to join and make a significant impact on the furniture decision making process.  Please volunteer and help.

The Michels Company completed an excellent and very efficient project of lifting, straightening, and redriving dock posts in our basin. It has been about fifteen years since this maintenance was last performed.  Our docks are now stronger, safer, and look better with this project completed. They proved so easy to work with that they even helped raise one of our piers that had slipped under the waters surface. Their help made that “save” much faster and safer.

Congratulations to the clubs boat owners for making significant decisions to help ensure the financial future and success of the club.  At the May boat owners meeting, they voluntarily voted to not only raise slip fees modestly, but also raise storage and lifting fees on themselves at the derrick yard.  It is never easy or popular to increase the cost of boating. That is precisely why the boat owners deserve recognition for understanding the present state of the economy and acting now, before costs become a serious emergency.

The weather is getting warmer, even the lake water is slowly warming up, and it is starting to look and feel like summer. Boats are filling up the slips in our basin, and the racing season is about to begin. I certainly hope this summer is safer and more normal than last summer. Whether you get out on our new deck or get out on the water, lets get outside and enjoy this great weather.

Be safe and stay healthy,

Commodore Tom